πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ’Ό Quality Control & Site Safety Manager (QC-SSM)

Suh'dutsing Contracting Services
Maywood Park, OR
Date posted
Job Type
Construction / trades
JOB DESCRIPTION The Quality Control and Site Safety Manager (QC-SSM) is an individual who provides the knowledge, skills and experience to define, inspect and document the daily work associated with both design and construction. This helps ensure that the work is being designed and constructed in accordance with the established minimum requirements for the project. The QCM's role is to support the Project Manager, Superintendent and others, who are focused on the broader aspects of the...See full description
Important Skills Hard skillsSoft Skills
Attention to detail Knowledge of quality standards Ability to use measuring tools and equipment Knowledge of inspection techniques Strong analytical skills Problem-solving Technical skills Communication Teamwork Time management