πŸ’Ό Therapist / Occupational Therapy / North Dakota / OT / OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST /TRAVELER Job

Aureus Medical Group
Bismarck, ND
Date posted
Job Type
Healthcare / nursing
Need an Occupational Therapist for an Occupational Therapist position in North DakotaOccupational Therapist / OTTraveler positionThis position is primarily outpatient; however, our OT department also serves the inpatient and NICU setting Treatment for children (birth to 21) with developmental disabilities, fine motor delays, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, genetic disorders, autism, feeding difficulties, sensory processing disorders, and more. Therapies provides all that an OT would need...See full description
Important Skills Hard skillsSoft Skills
Assessing patients' physical and mental abilities Developing treatment plans Using therapeutic techniques to improve patients' mobility and function Helping patients overcome physical and cognitive barriers Collaborating with other healthcare professionals Documenting patient progress Adhering to ethical and legal standards in patient care Good communication skills Empathy and patience Critical thinking and problem-solving Flexibility and adaptability Time management