πŸ’Ό Assistant/Associate Librarian for Access Services and Outreach

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Nonquitt, MA
Date posted
Job Type
Education / teaching
OFFICIAL JOB TITLE: Assistant/Associate Librarian DIVISION: Academic Affairs WORKING JOB TITLE: Librarian for Access Services and Outreach DEPARTMENT: Library Services BARGAINING UNIT STATUS: AFT FLSA STATUS: Exempt REPORTS TO: Dean of Library Services SUPERVISES: Supervises professional, classified, and student personnel as assigned. SUMMARY PURPOSE OF POSITION: The Librarian for Access Services and Outreach will lead the daily operations of the Access Services division. This librarian will...See full description
Important Skills Hard skillsSoft Skills
library organization data entry customer service knowledge of library software book cataloging information retrieval shelving and organizing books communication attention to detail organizational skills time management customer service